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Posted Sat, 14 Sep 2024 14:10:45 GMT by Thomas Paton
I had shares with General Electric. General Electric split itself into three companies in early 2024. GE Aerospace GE Healthcare GE Vernova. As part of the restructure anyone holding shares with GE Aerospace was given one Vernova share for every 4 Aerospace held. How is this looked upon by HMRC with regards to Capital Gains Tax ? Is the tax only calculated on the profit made from the date they were given, or is the fact they were given a tax issue in itself ?
Posted Tue, 24 Sep 2024 10:35:48 GMT by HMRC Admin 21 Response
Hi Thomas,
Please refer to guidance at: Capital Gains Tax, share reorganisations and company takeovers (Self Assessment helpsheet HS285).
Thank you.
Posted Thu, 26 Sep 2024 16:23:26 GMT by Thomas Paton
I don't see anything in the link you supplied that explains my situation? The original company General Electric split into three distinct and separate companies, each with their own Stock Market listings. I have shares with General Electric. I was offered shares in a new company division, GE Vernova, based on my holdings with General Electric. I do not see any of the examples in the 2024 link that covers my situation, and as such Ido not knkw the gains liability
Posted Fri, 04 Oct 2024 14:42:58 GMT by HMRC Admin 25 Response
Hi Thomas Paton,
A capital gain would only apply if/when you sold any of the shares. as per the previous reply, HS285 gives details on how share reorganisations are dealt with at the time of sale.
Thank you. 
Posted Wed, 08 Jan 2025 23:10:04 GMT by JJ NN
I'm in a similar position to Thomas. But I was an employee of GE at the time of the split. I had shares in a SIPP scheme operated by equateplus for GE. Pre-split, our shares in the scheme were protected from tax, if unsold for 5(?) years, and everyone was happy. But with the two splits, there are rumours flying around that the value of the new companies (GEHC & GEV) shares will be taxable on the day of the split as foreign dividends. This is despite the GE shares dropping by the same value and the total remaining the same. This would seem unfair, but that doesn't mean it's not true. Can you confirm how HMRC has treated these events, and what should be put on our tax returns?
Posted Thu, 23 Jan 2025 16:06:25 GMT by HMRC Admin 20 Response
We cannot comment on this reorganisation.  
Please have a look at the guidance on helpsheet HS285
Capital Gains Tax, share reorganisations and company takeovers (Self Assessment helpsheet HS285)
Thank you.

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