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Posted Tue, 10 Dec 2024 07:46:35 GMT by ARB
Hi, I have few questions about how to report foreign capital gains arising from selling funds in foreign country ( Spain) 1. If the total capital gain is less than 3000 which is the allowance, do I still to report it? 2. Do I need to fill the SA106, F6 Box 33 and 37 to 40 even if I do not need to claim any tax relief? 3. In SA108, do I have to report all capital gains included the UK ones, but if it is still below 3000, do I have to fill it anyway? Thank you so much
Posted Mon, 16 Dec 2024 13:26:35 GMT by HMRC Admin 10 Response
 Yes, as it is a foreign gain, there is no minimum limit, so it must be declared in a tax return. You would declare the disposal on SA108 and SA106 if you are claiming a foreign tax credit.

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