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Posted Tue, 07 Jan 2025 15:23:36 GMT by Flo&Beatrix4 Barton
Hi, we are moving back to live in the UK (UK citizens) from Italy after 14 years of living there. We are filling a hired van (self-drive) with our boxes and boxes of personal "stuff" - household items, books, clothes, craft equipment, garden stuff and a few small items of furniture (you get the gist!) and driving it back in March. I'll complete the ToR1 form and send it for pre-approval with our inventory but am confused as to how detailed it has to be? Would "Box 1 - decorative items", Box 2 - LP records" be enough or does it have to be more like "Box 1 - decorative items, 2 lamps, 3 ornaments, 4 wall hangings" be necessary? Thanks a lot for any guidance
Posted Thu, 23 Jan 2025 16:20:06 GMT by HMRC Admin 20 Response
You do not need to list individual items in a group, such as the names of each book, or each piece of clothing.
You can estimate numbers such as kitchen items, for example:
•    cutlery (knives, forks, and spoons)
•    crockery (cups, plates, and glasses)
•    utensils (pots, pans, rolling pins or egg timers)
You can provide your list as a:
•    typed electronic document
•    spreadsheet
•    photo of a handwritten document
Application for transfer of residence relief (ToR1)
Thank you.

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