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Posted Fri, 10 Jan 2025 14:02:20 GMT by Bee Good
I am an instrument maker registered as sole trader.
I am selling one of my handmade Cellos abroad and I am taking it there myself.
What is the proper declaration process?
Do I need to pay export duties on the UK border or does my customer have to pay import duties on their border?
I have read conflicting things online.
Do I need an EROI number to be able to sell abroad?
Thanks for your Help!
Posted Tue, 28 Jan 2025 14:18:15 GMT by Customs oldtimer
Hi If you are taking goods out of the country yourself you should follow this guidance:
How the customs expert declaration is made will depend on the goods value . No there are no export duties to pay but there may be import duties an VAT or similar to pay in the country of destination. You will have to declare the items and make a customs declaration.
​​​​​​​Each country will have its own requirements so it could be that you just need to to go through the red channel or you might need to do everything before you go. You will need to check yourself for the local procedures. An GB EORI is a registration number for GB exporters or importers that re used on GB customs declarations . They can be applied for on line and usually granted quite quickly in most cases.
Posted Wed, 29 Jan 2025 09:08:10 GMT by HMRC Admin 25 Response
Hi BeeGood,
Customs charges are not applicable on exports, charges are payable at the time of import by importer.
Please check below guidance on to find out what you need to do when exporting commercial goods out of Great Britain in your accompanied baggage or small vehicle.
Taking commercial goods out of Great Britain in your baggage
Who needs an EORI is covered in below link.
Get an EORI number
Thank you. 

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