Hi mary man,
The UK double taxation treaty with Hong Kong, allows for interest accrued in Hong Kong, to be taxed in the UK.
This will only be interest accrued since moving to the UK.
Interest earned before that date is taxable in Hong Kong.
Even if you gift that part of the interest taxable in the UK to a friend, you would still declare the taxable interest on a tx return.
As this is foreign interest, you would declare this on a self assessment tax return, but the guidance at section 9 of RDR1 might apply.
Guidance note for residence, domicile and the remittance basis: RDR1 Updated 25 April 2023).
The remittance basis requires the completion of a self assessment tax return and SA109. You declare the unremitted income / gains on page 2 of this form boxes 28-40.
Thank you.