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Posted Tue, 31 Dec 2024 12:36:09 GMT by J Smith
Hi, I hope you can help. While I work for a UK company, my ultimate employer is based in the US. In 2023-24 I received a small amount of RSUs through a US scheme. When these vested, about half of them were automatically sold to cover tax withholding. None of this is included in my 2023-24 P60. As I understand it, I need to list the shares I received in the section 'Tips and other payments not included on your P60', but how do I account for the tax that I have already paid (as I presume that otherwise I would be treated as if I had not paid the tax)? Thank you
Posted Thu, 16 Jan 2025 14:22:51 GMT by HMRC Admin 32 Response
You will show the tax on the foreign section in order to claim foreign tax credit relief.
Thank you.

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