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Posted Mon, 06 Jan 2025 15:50:53 GMT by Aidlesultan
Hi, The SA form notes that pension contributions should include the tax relief at source and shows an example of Emma paying in £700 so should put £875 in the box. This seems straightforward enough, however what happens if I make a late contribution as, in this case, my relief will not be credited to me until the following tax year e.g. say I paid in £800 on 01/04/24 but the £200 relief was received in the 24/25 tax year should I put down £800 or £1,00 for this tax year. Thanks.
Posted Tue, 21 Jan 2025 16:04:40 GMT by HMRC Admin 8 Response
Please refer to:
Deemed date of contributions to confirm which tax year to treat your payment
Posted Wed, 22 Jan 2025 08:52:47 GMT by maxb
That document doesn't cover this case. But, I asked my pension provider once and was told the date that matters is when your contribution is accepted into the pension - that's when you became entitled to the tax relief, even if it took some days for the funds to actually be retrieved from HMRC.
Posted Fri, 24 Jan 2025 17:19:54 GMT by Aidlesultan
As noted by maxb the document you refer to does not answer the question. Idle responses, such as this, waste everyone's time. I note maxb, a.n.other and I have contacted our pension providers and they have been consistent in their answers with good logic behind their responses however I've had conflicting advice when I called HMRC. The first time I called the person didn't know, put me on hold to find out then hung up. The second time they also had to refer it and came back saying that as I hadn't "earned" (i.e. received) the money it should be entered in the following year however they couldn't explain why it was that way - the fact that they referred to it as money "earned" made me think they'd applied another tax rule and assumed this would be the same. I guess I'll just have to call up twice more and do a 'best of three'.

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