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Posted Sat, 04 Jan 2025 17:47:39 GMT by squiglet13
Hello, I am a higher rate tax payer doing my self-assessment, and I am unsure which amount I need to put in the following box of the Self Assessment form - "Gift Aid payments made in the year to 5 April 2024". Say hypothetically I made a donation of £250, and the charity claimed £62.50 in Gift Aid, making a total sum of £312.50. Would I need to put in this box: - The actual donation made - £250. - The Gift Aid portion claimed by the charity - £62.50. - The total donation including Gift Aid - £312.50. I am a little confused by the phrasing of this section so I would be grateful if someone could clarify this for me. Many thanks in advance.
Posted Fri, 17 Jan 2025 10:08:06 GMT by HMRC Admin 21 Response
It is the £250.
Thank you.

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