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Posted Thu, 02 Jan 2025 13:27:47 GMT by KB60ST Bongs
I am UK tax resident, but a civil servant in Germany, i.e. I receive my wages from there and get taxed on them in Germany.
I understand, that I still need to fill in a UK tax return, but can claim tax relief for the taxes paid in Germany.
How do I enter the wages from the German employer in the self assessment form?
Do I need to declare this as "foreign profit on self-employed", or can I actually directly list the German amployer as one of my employers?
Posted Fri, 17 Jan 2025 17:03:12 GMT by HMRC Admin 13 Response
Hi KB60ST Bongs
As tax is paid abroad, you will show it as UK employment but declare the income only. 
You would then show it again on the foreign section in order to claim foreign tax credit relief for the tax paid.
Thank you

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