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Posted Fri, 03 Jan 2025 10:50:13 GMT by Harley Homewood
After leaving my previous employer my SIP shares were sold on my behalf. These were a combination of Free Shares, Matching Shares and Shares that I had bought through the SIP plan as salary sacrifice. When the shares were sold I had had them for just under 5 years. The shares were awarded / bought at different values throughout the scheme, but as I understand it TAX and NIC is calculated on the lower of the values (value when awarded vs value when sold). Where can we include this calculation in the Sef Assessment? Or do we simply input the total value received from the sale of the shares?
Posted Tue, 21 Jan 2025 16:23:36 GMT by HMRC Admin 8 Response
Please have a look at the links below, which will help you work out the tax and advise where on SA101 the taxable figure should be shown:
Capital Gains Tax and employee share schemes (Self Assessment helpsheet HS287)
HS305 Employment-related shares and securities — further guidance (2024)
Capital Gains Tax, share reorganisations and company takeovers (Self Assessment helpsheet HS285)

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