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HMRC Customer Forum: Service Disruption

Due to unprecedented demand, the HMRC Community Forum is currently experiencing severe delays in dealing with customer posts.
We apologise for the disruption to our service.  Please refer to GOV.UK for guidance on self-assessment and all tax matters.

Please note:

This forum is for general queries only and is intended to help you self-serve. We are unable to provide specific advice tailored to individual circumstances.

It is not possible to check individual tax records through this forum, if you have a question which relates to your personal tax situation or tax code please contact our helpline.

Please consider using the search function before you post to see if your question has already been asked.

You may wish to review our YouTube channel: Understanding your tax code
You may find the following article of interest: Self Assessment: Top 5 myths debunked
Thread Author Last Post Replies
Overseas assets, income or gains letter katquestion
HMRC Admin 25 Response
Why I am getting message on self assessment Tax Penalty vijays3
DTA Netherlands UK Dutchguy
HMRC Admin 25 Response
inform hmrc about moving overseas using self-assessment, or use separate sa109 / p85 forms deb
HMRC Admin 25 Response
Remittance Basis - Foreign income from Hong Kong and Singapore James
HMRC Admin 25 Response
First Time paying Tax, earning from a US company. Ziggy Dickson
HMRC Admin 25 Response
Timing of Foreign Income & Tax Declaration SRK1
HMRC Admin 25 Response
Claiming legal expenses incurred in defending disciplinary allegations Tim Howes
HMRC Admin 25 Response
Mother's Self-assessment - Tax Letter errors Rada
HMRC Admin 25 Response
Self Assessment help cmingra13 Ingram
HMRC Admin 25 Response
Non NI number holder trying to fill in the form online Sammy
HMRC Admin 25 Response
Using someone elses car for the limited company business awb28
HMRC Admin 25 Response
Self Assessment or Sole Trader? Kat Hodson
HMRC Admin 10 Response
self employment Jayjay899
HMRC Admin 10 Response
Company medical insurance payout oosman1976
HMRC Admin 5 Response
Declare interest on foreign savings if not brought into UK sg437
HMRC Admin 25 Response
Travel expenses 2 days/week - commute hybrid employee aitud66
HMRC Admin 25 Response
New Sole Trader advice jduke
HMRC Admin 17 Response
Including P800 Underpayment Repayment in Self-Assessment: How to Reflect Correctly? infinitejest89
HMRC Admin 20 Response
Registration of self-assessment: self-employed and others elsie
HMRC Admin 5 Response

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