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HMRC Customer Forum: Service Disruption

Due to unprecedented demand, the HMRC Community Forum is currently experiencing severe delays in dealing with customer posts.
We apologise for the disruption to our service.  Please refer to GOV.UK for guidance on self-assessment and all tax matters.

Please note:

This forum is for general queries only and is intended to help you self-serve. We are unable to provide specific advice tailored to individual circumstances.

It is not possible to check individual tax records through this forum, if you have a question which relates to your personal tax situation or tax code please contact our helpline.

Please consider using the search function before you post to see if your question has already been asked.

You may wish to review our YouTube channel: Understanding your tax code
You may find the following article of interest: Self Assessment: Top 5 myths debunked
Thread Author Last Post Replies
Not been CIS registered for 3 years Kyle Ford
HMRC Admin 19 Response
Will I be affected if applying other visa when holding BNO visa Shereenwong
HMRC Admin 2 Response
Repayment Delay caffyred
HMRC Admin 21 Response
Saving Interest Income Canc
HMRC Admin 21 Response
Wrong bank details given on self assessment form BillyNugent
HMRC Admin 19 Response
Foreign income details - "Yes - all" - not working? Fat Controller
Fat Controller
self-assessment. tgunner25
HMRC Admin 19 Response
Self Assessment form keep sending to my old address lesliefoui
HMRC Admin 19 Response
Payments from abroad bank fees Tommaso Madonia
HMRC Admin 10 Response
Providing interest free loan to adult student children pete parat
HMRC Admin 10 Response
Government Gateway ID - Do Not Have UK Passport for application KuenHK Lam
HMRC Admin 19 Response
Private healthcare for self assessment Massimo Moretti
HMRC Admin 25 Response
Self Assessment Hana Bayat
HMRC Admin 25 Response
Third automatic overseas test - self employed ConfusedTunbridge
I am not sure whether the tax was calculated correctly Sebabuilders
HMRC Admin 25 Response
Transition Profits not being included in Taxable Profit Steven Rigby
HMRC Admin 25 Response
Do I need to complete Self Assessment - Conflicting information from phone support jar04
HMRC Admin 25 Response
Remove payment on account for next tax year, if moved to PAYE? jonathan patterson
HMRC Admin 25 Response
Savings account interests Bart Stry
HMRC Admin 25 Response
Paper tax return state pension muffin321
HMRC Admin 25 Response

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