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HMRC Customer Forum: Service Disruption

Due to unprecedented demand, the HMRC Community Forum is currently experiencing severe delays in dealing with customer posts.
We apologise for the disruption to our service.  Please refer to GOV.UK for guidance on self-assessment and all tax matters.

Please note:

This forum is for general queries only and is intended to help you self-serve. We are unable to provide specific advice tailored to individual circumstances.

It is not possible to check individual tax records through this forum, if you have a question which relates to your personal tax situation or tax code please contact our helpline.

Please consider using the search function before you post to see if your question has already been asked.

You may wish to review our YouTube channel: Understanding your tax code
You may find the following article of interest: Self Assessment: Top 5 myths debunked
Thread Author Last Post Replies
EIS loss relief G T
HMRC Admin 20 Response
Gone over the Child Benefit income threshold due to redundancy payment Katcarter99
HMRC Admin 20 Response
Tax refund delays Worriedperson
HMRC Admin 32 Response
Do I need to submit self assessment StanC C
StanC C
Self Assessment and Tax for living in Japan but working and being paid in UK? Rachel
HMRC Admin 25 Response
Freelancer Working Abroad - What are My Tax Obligations? FrankZappa
HMRC Admin 25 Response
Email from HMRC re new message about self assessment Puddleduck
Can I switch from a partnership to employing a sub-contractor rozzmozz
HMRC Admin 20 Response
2 jobs in same tax year and also a soletrader- How to fill in Self Assessment Ifeoma
HMRC Admin 25 Response
Tax on Rental of US Primary Residence as Dual US & UK Citizen now in UK reg1100
HMRC Admin 25 Response
Switzerland asks for VAT number on invoice franz
HMRC Admin 20 Response
Deducting expenses, self employed. (12 week contract abroad) Dalito Smith
HMRC Admin 20 Response
Stock ISA MihaiY
HMRC Admin 20 Response
Paying my self assessment tax through my PAYE code. Cece
HMRC Admin 25 Response
Non Resident Landlord and Self Assessment Shirmel Duggins
Shirmel Duggins
Expenses for BTL, can we show this years expenses in next year self assessment user90
HMRC Admin 19 Response
Expenses for carers who accompany employees on a business trip dl538
HMRC Admin 20 Response
PPF Withdrawl In India singer7126
HMRC Admin 25 Response
Trusts and periodic IHT reporting Lorraine Ames
HMRC Admin 25 Response
Do I need self assessment? Robert Flounders
HMRC Admin 20 Response

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