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Please note:

This forum is for general queries only and is intended to help you self-serve. We are unable to provide specific advice tailored to individual circumstances.

It is not possible to check individual tax records through this forum, if you have a question which relates to your personal tax situation or tax code please contact our helpline.

Please consider using the search function before you post to see if your question has already been asked.

You may wish to review our YouTube channel: Understanding your tax code
You may find the following article of interest: Self Assessment: Top 5 myths debunked
Thread Author Last Post Replies
Paying Tax as a Foreign UK resident with a Foreign Income
HMRC Admin 25 Response
Self assessment/recording van purchase/accruals basis accounting Gill Drinkald
HMRC Admin 25 Response
Not sure wether I have to pay tax or not
HMRC Admin 25 Response
Differentiate UK and foreign ETF incomes and dividends
HMRC Admin 5 Response
Can I be a sole trader even I have only one customer, most of the time ?
HMRC Admin 32 Response
Can rent be expensed for using a house as a office?
HMRC Admin 32 Response
P11D for company vans with private usage policy change part way through the tax year
HMRC Admin 32 Response
Help with foreign income, adjusted net income and self assessment
HMRC Admin 32 Response
Tax on foreign non-UCITS ETF dividends
HMRC Admin 32 Response
Company Car Fuel Relief
HMRC Admin 32 Response
exchange rate of USD
HMRC Admin 5 Response
How to declare foreign income on self assessment and not trigger VAT registration
HMRC Admin 32 Response
Reducing salary sacrafice net income and child benefit sefl assessment taxt return
HMRC Admin 32 Response
Employed in Malta with UK resident
HMRC Admin 32 Response
I didn't receive the self assessment registration confirmation letter
HMRC Admin 32 Response
Self Assessment Payment Overdue / Credit Funds Vanished
HMRC Admin 5 Response
Clarity on Foreign Dividend blueshaze
HMRC Admin 21 Response
CGT On Sale Of Residential Property In India
HMRC Admin 21 Response
How are personal pension contributions calculated on self-assessment youractualboss
HMRC Admin 21 Response
PAYE and Sole Trader - Same Trade
HMRC Admin 21 Response

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