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HMRC Customer Forum: Service Disruption

Due to unprecedented demand, the HMRC Community Forum is currently experiencing severe delays in dealing with customer posts.
We apologise for the disruption to our service.  Please refer to GOV.UK for guidance on self-assessment and all tax matters.

Please note:

This forum is for general queries only and is intended to help you self-serve. We are unable to provide specific advice tailored to individual circumstances.

It is not possible to check individual tax records through this forum, if you have a question which relates to your personal tax situation or tax code please contact our helpline.

Please consider using the search function before you post to see if your question has already been asked.

You may wish to review our YouTube channel: Understanding your tax code
You may find the following article of interest: Self Assessment: Top 5 myths debunked
Thread Author Last Post Replies
My name in Government Gateway profile is incorrect Esmond CHAN
HMRC Admin 10 Response
Pension relief Eloise Brown
HMRC Admin 10 Response
SIPP payment - what to enter in self assessment form rads
HMRC Admin 10 Response
Mistake in 22-23 tax year submission result in minor overpayment mark
HMRC Admin 5 Response
How to enter self employed payment tax deductions in a self assessment tax return? BruceF
megnani matinda
Credit Card and Bank Rewards JAAN
HMRC Admin 5 Response
Inherited house and money abroad (EU) Matteo
HMRC Admin 13 Response
Online SA100 submission together with 3rd party SA109 Tracey Wallis
HMRC Admin 13 Response
First Self Assessment Hayden Morris
HMRC Admin 13 Response
Residence status - how do I inform HMRC that I'm no longer a UK resident? DushyL Large
HMRC Admin 13 Response
Self Assessment Notification Kneeboot
HMRC Admin 21 Response
Taxable Benefit Ruth
HMRC Admin 21 Response
Need to send self assessment tax return ? Siu Bing Wong
HMRC Admin 25 Response
Why do I have a first, second payment and a balancing payment due before 31/1/25 EunBen01
HMRC Admin 8 Response
SIPs reporting on self Assesemnt Mark Chapman
HMRC Admin 25 Response
Declaring income from selling foreign shares Sarah
HMRC Admin 25 Response
Foreign Settlement (US) - Subject to UK Tax? Natasha
HMRC Admin 20 Response
Gifting foreign savings (from prior to my UK residency) to my spouse who is a UK national Emma Alexander
HMRC Admin 20 Response
Question on PAYE Notice of Coding eagleinlondon
HMRC Admin 20 Response
Side hustle tax hannahme
HMRC Admin 20 Response

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