Hi there, Pls I would like to get to the end of this question as it is a bit tricky so I won't get a wrong advice on this ocassion. I have been living and working in UK for 12 years, and I have a record of Class 1 NIC and NIC credits in the past 8 years. At the moment, I am getting ESA CB and some help with my housing costs (HB) and I received a migration notice. The thing is, that I am not getting any better (health) and I am considering going back to Spain, to be nearer my family. If I go now, I would have 6 complete years of NIC class 1, and would be considered to get some benefits in Spain. I have been told that if I claim UC, they will consume my records, so I won't have any right when I am back in Spain. In my case, I understand the UC will be only the equivalent to "living costs" while on ESA CB, but I do not know. Another friend told me that they delete the records, but only after 6 months on UC. Pls could you clarify this for me? It is essential to get some advice for taking the decision, as I do not know when I would be better to get some work there. Thank you everybody.