RE: How to fill out SA re pension contributions (when relief is received in the following tax year)
As noted by maxb the document you refer to does not answer the question. Idle responses, such as this, waste everyone's time. I note maxb, a.n.other and I have contacted our pension providers and they have been consistent in their answers with good logic behind their responses however I've had conflicting advice when I called HMRC. The first time I called the person didn't know, put me on hold to find out then hung up. The second time they also had to refer it and came back saying that as I hadn't "earned" (i.e. received) the money it should be entered in the following year however they couldn't explain why it was that way - the fact that they referred to it as money "earned" made me think they'd applied another tax rule and assumed this would be the same. I guess I'll just have to call up twice more and do a 'best of three'. -
RE: What to do when tax relief on SIPP contribution arrives in following tax year?
@ Phillip Horner. Firstly congratulations on remaining civil against what appears to be a confederacy of lazy dunces - your question could not have been more simple. I have just received the opposite advice over the phone, although they had to check (as did the operator before but they put the phone down before coming back to me). I have also seen a forum answered by HMRC, all be it a year ago, which confirms what you thought and have been advised by your pension provider - it's the answer that seems to make the most sense. I have asked this again on the HMRC forum and, assuming I get the same answer, will print off the forum responses from HMRC to cover my backside should someone at a later date suggest otherwise. -
How to fill out SA re pension contributions (when relief is received in the following tax year)
Hi, The SA form notes that pension contributions should include the tax relief at source and shows an example of Emma paying in £700 so should put £875 in the box. This seems straightforward enough, however what happens if I make a late contribution as, in this case, my relief will not be credited to me until the following tax year e.g. say I paid in £800 on 01/04/24 but the £200 relief was received in the 24/25 tax year should I put down £800 or £1,00 for this tax year. Thanks.