sussextotenerife Cooper
Tax Relief on Care Home Fees
My MIL is self funding her care home fees. She had dementia and is registered blind, so cannot care for herself. She is in receipt of a state pension and small private pension. We have just received a tax bill for her due on last years savings interest which was above her allowance and her tax code altered accordingly. She has now paid approx £180k over 2.5 years so far for her care home fees and all her savings from the last tax year have all been used to pay these. So although she received the interest she has used it to pay her fees. So my question is can she claim any kind of tax relief on the fees? She has recently had to sell her house and is now getting interest on this amount for this tax year and going forward until that is also depleted, so it would be interesting to know if she can claim any relief going forward. -
How is Tax on private Pension paid if you are also working full time
I have currently started to receive one of my private pensions. I am 60 so I am still working full time. How is the tax owed on the private pension collected? Will this be added to my tax code through my employer or do I have to do a self assessment tax form and pay for it as a lump sum. I have received conflicting advice from ringing HMRC and my pension company. So far I have received my pension for one month and my tax code has not changed.