Flo&Beatrix4 Barton
Details required in inventory for ToR1 form please
Hi, we are moving back to live in the UK (UK citizens) from Italy after 14 years of living there. We are filling a hired van (self-drive) with our boxes and boxes of personal "stuff" - household items, books, clothes, craft equipment, garden stuff and a few small items of furniture (you get the gist!) and driving it back in March. I'll complete the ToR1 form and send it for pre-approval with our inventory but am confused as to how detailed it has to be? Would "Box 1 - decorative items", Box 2 - LP records" be enough or does it have to be more like "Box 1 - decorative items, 2 lamps, 3 ornaments, 4 wall hangings" be necessary? Thanks a lot for any guidance