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  • How to declare tax refund from last year?

    Last year, I finished my 2022-2023 tax return and I was eligible for a tax refund of £1000 because I overpaid throughout the year. I withdrew this amount to my bank account at 17 October 2023. I didn't think there was any need to declare this given that I made the transaction on the HMRC website, so they would already know about it. Now, I finished my 2023-2024 tax return and this year I owed an extra £6000 because I underpaid throughout the year. But when I open the payments page, I see that it's now asking me to pay only £5000 because it discounts the £1000 from last year. I think this is strange because HMRC doesn't know I withdrew that £1000 last year even though I did it on their own website. My question is, how do I fix this? Was I supposed to explicitly declare this somewhere in my 2023-2024 self assessment (or maybe even in my 2022-2023 self assessment by amending it)?