BADR and EMI scheme
I have taken part of a EMI schema while working for the company that got sold. I had my option share converted into shares which then got sold to the company for them to sell it to the acquirer. I should be able to apply for BADR and only pay 10% on the gains. I am trying to figure out how I can fill in the appropriate forms. I don't have a UTR reference number yet but I have requested it today. I already paid my PAYE and now I want to pay the capital gains of the above sales that happened in the 2023-2023 tax year. I can't figure out how I should get the 10%. Do I need to declare it under the question: "Your reliefs Did you claim any Capital Gains Tax reliefs in your calculation?" At the moment I have chosen "Shares that are not in ISAs or Personal Equity Plans (PEPs)" as the type of asset I want to report . Please advise. Do you think an accountant would be to sort this capital gains declaration for me when not having a UTR for a self-assesment?