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  • CGT rules for option trading

    When doing CGT tax returns for private person, in the self assesment form I have these questions. 1. Does the section 104 holding rule apply to options? 2. Does the bed and breakfast rule applies to options? 3. Does the same day rule apply to options. 4. Do i report the gains from options in the "Other property, assets and gains ". If so is the disposal, proceeds and gains and losses bundled with shares. If not then where do i report options gains.
  • RE: How to report shorting stock & CFD's?

    Hello, could you clarify on the original question about short selling as this was not directly answered. And I cannot seems to find any concrete explanation on this anywhere. "For shorting shares and which is classed as the disposal and which is classed as the acquisition - the sell or the repurchase" This is essential in order to count disposals and disposal proceeds which is a required field for self assement forms.