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Posted 10 months ago by plam1405 Lamont
Hi, I have received the above form from our bank as I am treasurer of a Grassroots football club. We are an unincorporated association. The form is asking for a UTR number, but, our understanding is, since we are a non profit org, that we are not required to register or submit accounts to HMRC. Is this correct, and should I contact the bank to query why we have received this? Thanks,
Posted 10 months ago by HMRC Admin 25 Response
Hi plam1405 Lamont.
Unincorporated sports clubs which are not charities are required to register.
HMRC’s Trust Registration Service Manual is available to assist clubs and their advisers.
Please have a look at the guidance here:
Unincorporated associations
Registering will provide you with a 10 digit corporation tax UTR number.
Thank you. 

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