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Posted Wed, 06 Dec 2023 10:59:52 GMT by
I have 2 VAT cheques which I haven't been able to pay into a bank account due to changes in the bank's policy re paying in cheques to a parent company account, and not being able to open a new bank account until very recently. My new bank now tells me they are out of date (one is 10 months old, one is 7 months old). How can I have them reissued, or paid directly into my new bank account?
Posted Mon, 11 Dec 2023 12:07:47 GMT by HMRC Admin 19

Please contact our VAT team so that we can cancel the cheques and get the amounts released in to your bank.

VAT: general enquiries

The quickest way to provide your bank details is by your business tax account. You can see guidance below:

Change your VAT registration details

Thank you.

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