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Posted 2 days ago by VARMSTRO
Hi HMRC - My limited company was closed down in early 2020 and the liquidators at Beacon LLP and now FTS Recovery are saying that the S455 refund I'm due is still being processed and chased with HMRC. I don't know anyone else that has waited this long for the refund and it feels like I'm at a huge disadvantage. I've missed out on using this money through the cost of living crisis to support my family and have instead had to take out high interest loans. As director of the limited company I tried calling but was told you couldn't speak to me and can only speak to the liquidators. I feel like I have no legal rights any more and its just between HMRC and the liquidators who have no interest in getting this money back to me. Please help me and don't ignore this post, I could really do with this money to support my family. I'm about to have a second baby. Thanks in advance.
Posted a day ago by HMRC Admin 25 Response
Please be advised, when a company enters liquidation, the Director(s) are no longer able to represent the Company.
By law, the responsibility for the company falls to the appointed Insolvency Practitioner and we are prohibited from discussing company matters with anyone else.
You will need to discuss this matter with your Insolvency Practitioner.
Thank you. 

Posted about 22 hours ago by VARMSTRO
Hi HMRC - thank you for another unhelpful response. I haven't even given details of the company in question so not sure why you're declaring that you can't discuss specific company matters with me. I haven't asked you to do this, surely you can help me in general terms as a general enquiry. Can you please advise current wait times for companies that entered liquidation in 2020 and are due S455 refund? Or let me know if it's normal for people to wait 4 years for an S455 refund? Thanks

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