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Posted Mon, 10 Jul 2023 22:02:40 GMT by edmondym
I am the new immigrant from Hong Kong to the UK. I have a limited company in Hong Kong. According to the “Central Management and Control” clause in the UK tax law, it is very likely that the Hong Kong company would become tax resident of the UK and liable for the UK tax, If the Hong Kong company is liable for the UK tax, how should the company file the tax return in the UK? And On top of that, if the company is suffered from a loss, do I need to file a tax return in the UK
Posted Mon, 17 Jul 2023 08:05:25 GMT by HMRC Admin 8 Response
You must register an overseas company with Companies House if you want to set up a place of business in the UK.
You must register if you set up a place of business in the UK or if you usually carry out business from somewhere in the UK.
More information on how to register can  be found here:
Register as an overseas company
and information on how to file accounts here:
File accounts in the UK as an overseas company
Thank you.

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