Hi CGTdoubt,
As you are a UK resident when you disposed of the overseas property, you may find that your Private Residence Relief will cover and gain arising.
You will need to work this out.
To do this all parts of the calculation will need to be in pounds sterling.
You would need to obtain your disposal value and convert to sterling using a just and reasonable exchange rate.
For your convenience, there are exchange rates here:
Exchange rates from HMRC in CSV and XML format
For older rates at:
Exchange rates
You are free to use any of the supplied rates or one of your own choosing, such as one from a recognised stock exchange.
You can find guidance on calculting Private Residence Relief here:
HS283 Private Residence Relief (2024)
And a calculator here:
Tax when you sell your home.
You will need to declare the disposal in a Self Assessment tax return.
Thank you.