I am looking for some help with calculating my CGT. I owned a property with ex partner who I bought out. It was our sole residence during this time. Therefore are there no gains for this period. The increase in value happened mainly over this time. I continued to live in the property until renting it out. Details below. I am unclear if you use the deposit as a cost, also how I would account for the period with my expartner, do I include this? Feb 2015 - joint purchase with ex partner £255k. Deposit and purchase costs split, min were around £26k, partners around £10k. Both lived in property, I had no other property. Aug 2016 - bought out ex partner for £50k. Property value agreed £350k based on sale of neighbours property. Sole ownership from this date. I also remained living in the property with no other property. July 2020 - moved out to live with partner in his home. Rented out property. May 2024 - tenants moved out. Summer 2024 sale, likely to be £370k. No second home, I do not have on another mortgage.