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Posted Thu, 16 May 2024 04:57:18 GMT by Leigh Tryhorn
Hi. I sold a residential property November 2023 and paid the CGT as required within 60 days.Im in the process of completing my online self assessment form as I have other investments and am struggling to find where to put the information that I have already paid the CGT on the form as do not want to pay CGT twice. Thank you .
Posted Mon, 20 May 2024 11:07:42 GMT by HMRC Admin 10 Response
You will need to tick yes to disposing of chargeable assets, when tailoring your tax return.  You include the disposal value and the allowable costs.  When you are in the 'fill in your return' section click on the capital gains option. Tick yes at the box for 'Residential property and carried interest' as well as the box for your other disposals and save and continue.  You then show the number of properties disposed of, the disposal proceeds, allowable costs and gains.  just after the question 'are you making any claims or elections, there are two boxes for the gain and tax reported using the online capital gains service.  These boxes will place a credit into the tax calculation for capital gains tax already paid.
Posted Mon, 19 Aug 2024 17:55:05 GMT by Gareth Kenyon
When I get to ""just after the question 'are you making any claims or elections, there are two boxes for the gain and tax reported using the online capital gains service."" I cannot enter any value? There is no box to edit?
Posted Mon, 02 Sep 2024 11:17:29 GMT by HMRC Admin 19 Response

You need to report the gain again in order to report the details already declared and paid.

Thank you.
Posted Mon, 06 Jan 2025 20:01:26 GMT by Tim King
Dear HMRC Admin I have a similar issue to the original poster. I declared a CGT using the online service in tax year 23/24and paid the CGT liability all within the 60 limit of disposing of the property. I now need to include this in the SA tax return for 23/24. On the online form for the SA tax return in the Captial Gains worksheet I have included all necessary details of the gain made, the allowable deductions in terms of cost of acquisition etc and included the £6k CGT allowance. The form then calculates the chargeable gain and this figure accords with the figure included when the CGT gain was notified to HMrC online at time of disposal of the asset. I then click save and continue and it takes me to a Capital gain computation worksheet summary which shows the proceeds, allowable costs and the gain made. I select the option to use those figures and click save and continue. It then takes me to another page titled other property assets and gains. This again includes details of the disposal proceeds, the allowable costs and the gain made and the correct figure for the gain appears in a box which can be amended even though I do need to amend that figure as it is correct. There is then a section titled ‘Total gains or losses on the disposal of an asset of this type reported on Real time transaction returns include the individual amounts of gains in the gains in the year and losses in the year’ and ‘tax on gains on the disposal of an asset of this type reported on Real Time Transaction returns already paid’ these sections have a £ sign. I assume this is the section I need to complete to show the sum paid at time of disposal. However it is not possible to populate this section and clicking on the help about hyperlink for this section does not give me the answer. How do I populate this section?
Posted Tue, 21 Jan 2025 12:30:05 GMT by nimeeshab Bhagavatula
Hi, I have exactly the same issue as posted by the original poster and the Tim King who has re-posted a similar problem. I sold a property in 2024 and paid CGT. I am now completing my Self assessment for 2023-2024 - first question is that I assume I have to report CGT in my 2023-2024 return? Is that correct? Second question is exactly what Tim reported - I am unable to populate the section to confirm that CGT is paid with the exact amount I paid and the payment reference number. Can someone please respond to Tim's query? thanks.
Posted Wed, 22 Jan 2025 08:08:39 GMT by PCorver
Dear HMRC Admin. I also have the same issue as Tim King above whilst assisting my wife in completing her return. We disposed of a buy-to-let in October 2023 and made the appropriate filing and paid the tax at that time. She is now having to declare it in her self assessment but the screens are overly complex and confusing. We have tried following the directions given above but like Tim we are unable to enter any amount. Please advise soonest so we can complete the self assessment. Thank you
Posted Wed, 22 Jan 2025 08:21:29 GMT by PCorver
Me again. I think I have resolved this. The amount of tax already paid needs to be entered on the Capital Gains worksheet. There is a section titled "Tax on UK residential property gains reported on Capital Gains Tax UK Property Disposal returns already charged". I put the amount of tax already paid in this box and the self assessment calculation has now deducted it from the overall amount payable by my wife. The HMRC Admin 10 response above was misleading and seems inappropriate for the question that Leigh, Gareth, Tim and I have all asked.
Posted Wed, 22 Jan 2025 08:22:55 GMT by HMRC Admin 25 Response
Hi Tim King,
After the section where you report the gain, it asks for details of gains already reported using the property disposal return.
This allows you to show the details and tax paid.
You do not deduct the annual allowance from your figure as this is given automatically in the return calculation.
Thank you. 

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