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Posted Mon, 29 Apr 2024 15:15:44 GMT by Calvin Luk
I start to investment on January 2022. Year 21/22, I had capital loss 15k. All other income was within personal allowance. Yeas 22/23, capital gain 1500. All other income plus the 1500 capital gain was within personal allowance. Year 23/24, capital gain 6700. Other income in basic rate. So I need to file a tax return for 23/24 to pay the tax. Before to complete the self assessment, I want to known how to carry forward the capital loss in 21/22 and set off to 23/24. I move to UK in 2021. This is the 1st time I file a tax return. Do I need to file all 3 years tax return?
Posted Thu, 02 May 2024 15:51:36 GMT by HMRC Admin 19

We need to be aware of the capital loss within 4 years of it arising in order for it to be used. If the assets sold that generated the loss in 2021 to 2022 was more than £49200 then a tax return is required. If not, you can send a letter giving a calculation on how you arrived at your figures. This should be sent to:

PAYE & Self Assessment,

Thank you.

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