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Posted 5 days ago by Sandra Fawcett
I have recently sold a UK property - March 2025 - that I lived in for a number of years and then rented out when my partner and I purchased a property together. I appreciate that I have to pay CGT on this sale however just wondering if I have to pay the CGT immediately or if I can add it to my HMRC tax return for 2024-2025 which I will be submitting later this year? I am getting mixed messages on when I should pay the CGT. Many thanks.
Posted 4 days ago by HMRC Admin 25 Response
Hi Sandra, 
Please refer to this link:
Report and pay your Capital Gains Tax
Thank you. 
Posted 4 days ago by Valerio Lissoni
My understanding is that you have 60 days to report it and pay the CGT due. You may get some relief for the portion of years you lived in the property.
Posted 4 days ago by Clive Smaldon
Not HMRC...You must separately report and pay CGT within 60 days via a CGT on Property CGT return, and then you must repeat the information on your normal SA return for the same tax year again.

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