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Posted Sun, 17 Dec 2023 00:53:54 GMT by Pupa
Hello, The director of a company bought used Tesla S (2015 ) and now he wants to make it a company car and he will use it for business and private use. Please, can you help me with: 1/ Does he have to sell the car to his company to be a company car? 2/He must inform HMRC with P11D 3/Where can I check how much will be BiK band for this Tesla and how much CO2 emulsion? THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!
Posted Fri, 22 Dec 2023 12:36:27 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi Pupa,
In order to be a company car, the car must be own or leased by the business.
If it is a benefit then it must be reported.
If you got to:
P11D Working Sheet 2 Car and car fuel benefit 2022 to 2023
You can access a working sheet that will advise you of the benefit.
Thank you. 

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