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Posted Tue, 02 Apr 2024 06:22:16 GMT by alyagunara99
Hi, I plan to hand carry quite a large number of artworks permanently to the UK for an exhibition happening in June. I've seen that there's the no VAT and relief rule about transferring museum and gallery goods to the UK. But I'm quite confused about who has to claim this relief or can I just show up to the customs officer in the airport and claim my goods there? with invitation from the organizer of the exhibition and the list of artwork components I'm carrying? Thank you
Posted Tue, 16 Apr 2024 12:50:02 GMT by HMRC Admin 19

You can claim a relief to pay no Customs Duty and VAT if you are permanently importing museum and gallery exhibits into the UK. You can see more information here:

Pay no Customs Duty and VAT on importing museum and gallery exhibits

Thank you.

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