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Posted Mon, 30 Oct 2023 16:58:44 GMT by
Hi, Would like to ask, my family gifted me a car and want to ship it to UK , so what is the duty and taxes do I need to pay? Or receiving a car as gift has exemption in any kind of tax or duties. Thanks
Posted Tue, 31 Oct 2023 16:51:04 GMT by
Do I have to pay import VAT on a gift? Gifts imported subject to a tax free allowance of £39. The amount you will be charged is the import duty and import VAT. Customs duty if applicable is charged on the total goods value and shipping costs. Ask me about Country of Origin of car and the Commodity code which will determine VAT and Duty payable 
Posted Tue, 31 Oct 2023 19:28:49 GMT by Customs oldtimer
Duty relief on gifts is only applicable if the gift is worth less than £39. The Import duty on cars is 10% and import VAT is 20%. The duty is based on the goods value which is the market value plus any transport costs. The import VAT is charged on the value plus transport plus the import duty. These taxes are due whether the goods are a private import or not. Unless you can get proof from the manufacturer that the goods qualify for preferential duty rates based on origin the standard rate of import duty will apply.
Posted Thu, 02 Nov 2023 17:44:02 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi Muhammad Siddiqui,
Customs charges are applicable for gifts.
Gifts over £39 are liable to Import VAT.
Customs Duty also becomes payable if the value of the goods is over £135.
Customer needs to search on the trade tariff to check duty and vat rates.
Trade Tariff: look up commodity codes, duty and VAT rates
Thank you. 

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