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Posted Mon, 13 Nov 2023 20:59:39 GMT by
Hello, My partner, our dog and I are travelling to the UK for six months to explore the country from Canada. We will be staying at the exact location the entire time, so to be comfortable, we will ship our clothes, sports equipment, camping gear and other house stuff using air Canada Cargo. Many websites recommend filling out the ToR form when moving to the UK to avoid paying taxes on personal items. Since we are not moving to the UK, can we fill out the ToR? And how should we set everything up so we do not pay taxes on our stuff? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Nic, Cam, and Luna
Posted Tue, 14 Nov 2023 11:15:03 GMT by HMRC Admin 19

Transfer of residence relief is only applicable if someone is moving their permanent residence to UK.

Travelling to the UK is covered in the guidance here:

Travelling to the UK

You can also use temporary admission relief. You can see guidance here:

Check if you can get import duty relief on goods using Temporary Admission

How to apply

Thank you.

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