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Posted Wed, 26 Jul 2023 18:01:14 GMT by E Astle
Scenario If we are to start supplying new tyres to a customer in NI who will be fitting the tyres to new trailers and selling the trailers do we have to guarantee the trailers will not be sold in the EU or because the tyres are now fitted to a trailer is this a change in commodity and something we no longer have to worry about regarding being at risk, we can get a letter from the customer saying they will not wholesale the tyres and that they are just for fitting to new trailers. Can we use the UK Internal Market scheme and state these tyres as not at risk?
Posted Mon, 31 Jul 2023 13:40:26 GMT by HMRC Admin 8 Response
We would advise contacting the Customs and International trade helpline on 0300 322 9434 if you have any other issues with your query.
Thank you.

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