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Posted Sat, 24 Feb 2024 02:15:36 GMT by avidpassenger
Hello there, I would like to return a pair of boots I purchased in an online store back to Poland. I already paid a customs/duty fee to DHL prior to delivery. So I wanted to query: 1) If I'm send the goods back to Poland (via Royal Mail), would the retailer be charged any import fees? 2) Regarding form C285 a) Do I need a EORI and/or MRN number (I can't see any on the DHL invoice)? b) What would I put as the "Declaration date"? c) What do I put for "Is the Importer a Private Importer"? Thanks in advance
Posted Tue, 27 Feb 2024 13:34:19 GMT by HMRC Admin 8
Please speak to the courier you are using to send the goods back and explain these are returned goods so they can fill the declaration correctly.
Please speak to DHL to gather all the information required for C285 claim form.
Thank you.
Posted Tue, 27 Feb 2024 20:05:04 GMT by Customs oldtimer
Hi I would also check with the retailer what their return policy is . To answer your questions 1) Possibly. 2) a) Yes you need the MRN which is the unique reference number of the import declaration. If you are not a business it’s unlikely you will have an EORI number b) That is the date of the declaration c) only you know if you are a business or a private importer. As HMRC admin 8 says you will need to get the information from DHL as they completed the import.

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