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Posted Sat, 27 Jan 2024 12:05:21 GMT by
We moved to the UK from the US in 8/21 and brought a 20' container all under ToR. I left an almost new $8k bicycle (actually a velomobile) behind that I had bought new. I'd now like to bring it to the UK. Is it still possible to do so under the ToR? If not, what kind of duty/VAT will I be looking at? I've tried to figure it out on my own and am lost. Thanks.
Posted Thu, 01 Feb 2024 04:51:21 GMT by
My understanding is that the ToR covers items for up to a year. On my original ToR letter, it had the dates listed in which any imports would be covered. So you should just be able to use the original URN. Maybe check back to your original e-mail from HRMC?
Posted Thu, 01 Feb 2024 13:49:54 GMT by HMRC Admin 19

Please contact our Import and Export team for advice:

Imports and exports: general enquiries

Thank you.
Posted Mon, 05 Feb 2024 12:57:20 GMT by
new items would have been subject to VAT any way. Now the item is over 2 years old , BUT Your TOR is invalid as its over 12 months. Think you will end up paying tax on this if you brought it to the UK Unfortunately

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