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Posted Mon, 18 Mar 2024 20:25:36 GMT by bartokg1
We are a UK company and bought Vattable goods from a Dutch company and sold to an Austrian company, who sold to a Ukrainian company. We have proof of export from the EU by the Austrians. Austrians were needed as intermediary to make the veterinary certs Ukraine customs needed. Now the Dutch are telling me we have to pay VAT because there were "2 supplies". Is this so? We have a German EORI number if that helps. Thanks
Posted Thu, 21 Mar 2024 16:50:28 GMT by Customs oldtimer
Hi I assume you took ownership in the Netherlands and made an onward sale in the eu within the goods being physically received into the UK. If so your question is not something that HMRC would be involved in or be able to advise on. Your transactions have happened in the EU so you will need to check on the Dutch and or Austrian VAT rules. If you don’t have a VAT registration in one of those countries already you may have triggered an EU VAT registration requirement. Your German EORI is an importer/ exporter number and not relevant for intra EU transactions.
Posted Wed, 27 Mar 2024 11:01:16 GMT by HMRC Admin 19

We are unable to offer advice on supply VAT paid to EU authorities. You will need to contactthe relevant foreign tax authorities for advice.

Thank you.

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