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Posted Fri, 22 Nov 2024 18:04:55 GMT by Fran Sogaro
Hello, I rent out my flat in the UK while I am abroad (ITALY), however as I am now working in Italy I have to pay tax in italy on: (1) my rental income in the UK and (2) a ownership tax on my UK property. This latter tax has a significant impact on my overall rental income, so when I submit the tax return in the UK via self assessment, I was wondering if it was possible to declare this tax on the allowable expenses so I would be taxed in the UK on the real net after I pay this property ownership tax. Btw I was allowed by HMRC to submit my tax return this way while I am abroad. thank you in advance!
Posted Tue, 26 Nov 2024 09:45:33 GMT by HMRC Admin 17 Response

Hi ,
Thank you for your question, please see the relevant guidance to your query at :

PIM4810 - Overseas landlords - summary of the non-resident landlord scheme

which states- Income or Corporation Tax remains chargeable on UK rental income even where
the landlord is non-resident for other UK Tax purposes.

No Double Taxation Conventions transfer this right to any foreign authority.

If the rental income is again charged to tax in a person’s country of residence, then that country may allow double taxation relief.

Therefore the full amount of rental income must be declared on your UK tax return,

please consult with the Italian tax authorities to check if foreign tax credit relief will be available.

Thank you .

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