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Posted 3 days ago by harvshow B
Can you confirm in this situation if my wife and I own two properties with £15000 gross annual income. I own 5% and my wife 95%. Our costs are £5000 in total. Can (i) I claim property allowance as my 5% share of income is only £750, well under the £1000 allowance, with no need to report this income and (ii) my wife claim 95% expenses against her 95% share of income, i.e. pay tax on £9500 net income ?
Posted about 11 hours ago by HMRC Admin 25 Response
Hi harvshow Bt,
Please refer to our guidance below for information regarding property allowance:
Property allowance
Thank you. 
Posted about 10 hours ago by harvshow B
Hi It's not immediately clear from the linked page you provided. Please could you confirm for the circumstances outlined previously. Thanks

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