Hi Amanda Lewis,
Receiving an income from property of more than £1000 per year, is criteria for completing a Self Assessment tax return (SA100) for each tax year that you rent the property out.
You would also complete the supplementary page SA105 (property) in which you would declare your gross income from letting the property, tax deducted by the letting agent and other expenses you incurred.
You would also declare all other sources of income on the tax return, using the other supplementary pages as required.
If the property is jointly owned by you and your spouse or civil partner, you both need to complete individual tax returns and claim 50% of the profit, expenses and tax deducted.
If you are not already registered for Self Assessment, you can do this ahere:
Check how to register for Self Assessment
If you have been letting out the propery for a number of previous tax years, you may wish to consider contacting the let property campaign at
Let Property Campaign
Thank you.