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Posted Thu, 12 Dec 2024 16:00:15 GMT by Vihango Shah
Hello, I bought the flat for 200k with the mortgage for 140k in 2012 and lived there until 2023. in 2018, I took additional borrrowing of 80k on the property. In 2023, I decided to move and rent this property. at that time in may 2023, when the property was bought into the buy to let business(I start renting), the value of the property was 450k and the mortgage was around 220k. Can I claim interest on whole 220k mortgage? or I could claim interest on only 140k? Thank you,
Posted Wed, 18 Dec 2024 11:59:44 GMT by HMRC Admin 17 Response

Hi ,
Yes you can claim the interest of the whole mortgage. 

The costs of getting a loan or alternative finance to buy a residential property and any interest on such a loan or alternative finance payments can be used to calculate a reduction in your Income Tax.   

Please use box 44 on the SA105.  The tax that you pay would be lower by utilising this box. 

The reduction is the basic rate value (currently 20%) of the lower of:

Finance costs - costs not deducted from rental income in the tax year this will be a proportion of finance costs for the transitional years ,
plus any finance costs brought forward.

Property business profits - the profits of the property business in the tax year after using any brought forward losses.

Adjusted total income - the income after losses and reliefs, excluding savings and dividend income , that exceeds your personal allowance.

Thank you. 
Posted Wed, 18 Dec 2024 12:30:46 GMT by Clive Smaldon
Not HMRC...Incorrect, depends on the purpose of the additional borrowing. You borrowed £140k to buy the property, what was the additional borrowing of £80k used for? If it wasnt for allowable purposes it cannot be claimed.
Posted Mon, 20 Jan 2025 18:08:09 GMT by Vihango Shah
Hi Clive, the point here is that the additional borrowing of £80k was made well before the property was introduced on the rental business. I understand that the after property was introduced on the rental business, all additional borrowing must be for allowable purpose.
Posted Fri, 31 Jan 2025 23:34:58 GMT by Clive Smaldon
...Im assuming you are contending it doesnt matter the additional borrowing purpose if pre letting...taking that to an extreme...if someone borrows £140k to buy a property, and then borrows another £80k against it and spends that £80k on a world cruise for a year with the funds etc, before then a couple of years later deciding to rent the property out, because the additional £80k was before the letting started, HMRC would be ok with the claiming of relief on the full £220k including the amount splashed on the cruise....I'd be interested to hear HMRC's take on that/any legislation that confirms that...

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