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Posted 3 months ago by glen nevis
I am looking ahead to April 2026 when I will need to move to MTD for ITSA. I am starting from scratch as I currently use my own spreadsheets to complete SA annually. I have found a developer who claims to be compliant so I checked the page "Find software that works with Making Tax Digital for Income Tax". I assumed the developers list would be up to date but the developer I would like to use is not listed. Should I be concerned? Is it a requirement that I only choose from the currently listed developers?
Posted 3 months ago by Clive Smaldon
Not is contstantly under review by a developer gets approved, the list gets updated...its an ongoing process, They may be going though approval or HMRC simply not updated the list yet (no idea how often it gets updated). Same re "bridging software" for MTDITSA...constantly being developed for approval for HMRC (will take numbers off spreadsheets for taxpayers who dont want new software so it links to existing programs (Excel etc). If the developer doesnt (eventually) appear on the list steer clear, without HMRC approval the software will not be "compliant"
Posted 3 months ago by glen nevis
Clive, thanks for your reply. I understand the requirement for approval and that approval is an ongoing process. I found a second page on entitled "(Guidance) Commercial software suppliers for Self Assessment" on which the developer is listed.
Posted 3 months ago by HMRC Admin 18 Response
Details of all the accounting software available are as per the link below:
Find software that works with Making Tax Digital for Income Tax
HMRC cannot recommend or endorse any one product or service over another and will not be responsible for any loss, damage, cost of expense in connection with using the software.
Thank you.

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