Hi SandyL Evans,
If you have paid your Self-assessment bill and are registered for self-employment, then the class 2 money will in time be allocated to your National Insurance account and in turn update the State Pension with DWP.
The time involved for allocations is generally six to eight weeks.
You can contact the self-employed department to enquire further, more so if you are approaching your State Pension age.
Web chat through the Personal tax account or call the NI helpline:
Number - 0300 200 3500
Text Relay - 18001 0300 200 3519
Overseas - + 44 191 203 7010
Open - Monday to Friday: 8am to 6pm
Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays.
Web Address -
National Insurance: detailed information
Once you have confirmation that the tax year is updated, I would advise contacting the Department for work and Pensions to ensure they do a revised calculation if you are near your State Pension age.
Thank you.