You can apply to pay voluntary National Insurance Contributions (NICs) whilst abroad by reading the information at the following link:
Social Security abroad: NI38
You can use the CF83 application held within this information link.
Your application will be reviewed and a decision will be made on the rate of voluntary NICs you are eligible to pay based on the information you provide on your application.
Before you decide to pay voluntary National Insurance contributions you must contact the Pension Service on +44 191 2183600 (if you live outside of the U.K) or 0345 3000 168 (if you live in the U.K). They will help you determine if you will benefit from paying voluntary National Insurance contributions and which tax years you need to pay.
Following changes to Pension legislation, you need to ask them to confirm whether your State Pension will increase if you pay voluntary contributions as this is no longer automatically the case.
If you have a valid UK Passport or Driving licence you may wish to register for a personal tax account this will show information on your NI record and also provide your UK state pension forecast.
If you cannot register for a personal tax account you can use the following link:
Pensions and ageing society