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Posted Thu, 13 Jun 2024 09:56:15 GMT by Ruthyb Bateman
Hi I really need help, we are being completely messed around and need advice and its making me unwell. Up until March 2024 I have been on WTC and my national insurance class 2 was being paid, however I was then integrated into UC in April, with a gap between this period where no national was paid, because I am now in UC they only pay class 3 and I will need to next year claim ESA however they need class 2 NI fully paid up with no gaps. So far I have been pushed from pillar to post from ESA to HMRC with no answer. Can someone please help. We have written, phoned everything to all the departments but no one is advising us.
Posted Mon, 17 Jun 2024 11:21:56 GMT by HMRC Admin 21
Hi Ruthyb,
If you are registered for class 2 for the gap you have left between March and April you may be able to voluntary pay off the gap at the class 2 rate which will help with your ESA claim next year. However for us to have a further look into your situation and the gap that has been formed please contact our Helpline or webchat service.
Please find the details below:
National Insurance Enquiries helpline
Number: 0300 200 3500
Text Relay: 18001 0300 200 3500 (Text Relay)
Overseas: +44 191 203 7010
Monday to Friday: 8am to 6pm
Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays.
Web Address
Thank you.

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