If you have left the UK permanently and you have no income at all, please contact our Self Assessment team to ensure it can all be closed.
Self Assessment: general enquiries
For National Insurance due to leaving the UK, you now have the option to pay voluntarily by the NI38 and the CF83 application forms that you have mentioned. You will also need to speak to our National Insurance team to ensure you have told us you have left the UK permanently.
National Insurance: general enquiries
Voluntary National Insurance contributions when you live and work in the UK can be paid to top up your National Insurance. When you leave the UK you can also apply to pay voluntary National Insurance but this is overseas National Insurance. If you have left the UK you must pay voluntary National Insurance from abroad by the CF83 application process.
If you still have access to your personal tax account, you can self serve and inform us of your changes and have the option to use webchat services if you have not informed us already.
Thank you.