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Posted Tue, 23 Apr 2024 13:06:57 GMT by Andy Fisher
Hello, I am considering updating our substitute P60 form, specifically for pensions, by replacing the current “Pension Payroll Number” field with “Pension Reference Number”. Our current substitute form adheres to the streamlined pensions template outlined in the RD1_P60_24-25.pdf specification document. According to the RD1 specification, the P60 legal requirements mandate that employers must display certain information, including the line “employee’s payroll number (where appropriate)". Additionally, the specification suggests that language on Pension fund substitute P60s may be modified as needed. It provides examples of such adaptations, although it does not explicitly address the payroll number. Given this context, I seek confirmation on whether substituting “Pension Payroll Number” with “Pension Reference Number” falls within the scope of permissible changes described as “where appropriate” in the document. Your advice on this matter would be greatly valued. Thank you.
Posted Wed, 24 Apr 2024 14:49:20 GMT by HMRC Admin 17 Response

Hi ,
As the RD1 guidance does not specifically mention that you can change this would suggest we wouldnt recommend changing this.

Thank you .

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