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Posted Fri, 28 Jul 2023 11:57:31 GMT by Suzanna Court
So I completed a company car form. The form also asked if 'fuel' was being supplied by the business for private mileage. The answer was yes. Yet, looking at a completely different source I found out that EV's are not considered to be fuel, so why isn't there any explanation about EV's on the form or a tick box for EV fuel? The reason I say this - is because I wouldn't want a penalty that I didn't answer the question (for instance if the law changes and EV's are then charged a fuel charge for private usage). I called the Employer Line and they then asked me to get the employee to call in to remove the fuel benefit. So I'm now going to complete a new form but without the fuel benefit. Can this be updated on Gov page?
Posted Tue, 08 Aug 2023 07:40:44 GMT by HMRC Admin 8 Response
If you complete the form again do it without fuel.
Thank you.

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